
It is the participants responsibility to ensure all requirements are completed by the deadline in the correct format. Only one submission per email. Siblings must have their own email address. Do not start the submission until you are ready to complete it fully.

Submission must be completed by December 31st 11:59p ET. No late submission or email submissions will be accepted.

Participants are responsible for ensuring their device is setup to submit in required formats. Audio files must be in the MP3 digital audio format (.mp3). If you are using an Apple OS/Linux OS computer or some browsers or unwilling/able to adjust your personal device to create an .mp3 file, you may loose points in judging due to your file not being usable during judging. Extensions will not be granted. It is recommended a Windows computer/browser is used to avoid formatting issues. The Youth Awareness team will not do the conversion. Audio files submitted in a different format are subject to scoring deduction.

If you have questions about the submission form or experience any difficulties with the website, use the Contact Us page. Make sure to provide your name, phone number, and email address along with details of issue. Emails within 4 hours of deadline may not be answered by deadline and extensions not provided, plan accordingly.

Submission Scoring Rubric – Being updated, Check back after April

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