A. Barham from Williamsburg Virginia represented the Williamsburg Moose Lodge #757 in the Virginia Moose Association 2020-2021 Moose Youth Awareness Scholarship Program competition. Barham presented her Kids Talk presentation to over 30, 4–9-year-old children in the Williamsburg community. Barham was one of 38 high school students in Virginia competing for a $1,000 Virginia Moose Association Scholarship.
While Barham was not selected as a state delegate, she did earn a $100 cash incentive from the Virginia Moose Association for completing the program at the state level. The Williamsburg Lodge #757 honored Barham with a $1000 Lodge scholarship and Barham will be attending George Mason this spring. “Team Virginia” and the staff are very proud of Barham and the Williamsburg Moose Lodge #757 for their participation in the Moose Youth Awareness Scholarship Program. We look forward to Barham’s sister participating in the program next year.
The “Team Virginia” leadership team kook forward to another prosperous Moose Youth Awareness Scholarship Program year. If you would like to participate contact your local moose lodge or complete the “Contact Form” on our website.